Time to rise with your heroes

Time to rise with your heroes

New Found Fandom is a web3 community platform that allows fans to become part of their hero's ascension

New Found Fandom is a web3 community platform that allows fans to become part of their hero's ascension

Love is the new money.

A new generation is coming. They interact, move and think different. This will impact our economy and the way products are used and experienced.

Companies have an opportunity to rethink their strategy, technology, product experience and organisational structure to connect and thrive with this upcoming generation.

And that's where we come in

And that's where we come in



The opportunity to become a day one fan

NewFoundFandom is a community where athletes can leverage the interaction and relationships with their fans and brands, gauge the yield of their projects, and provide more long-term value to the brands they collaborate with.

By being part of a fandom community, fans get a share in the success of their favourite athlete and vote on how, when and with whom they do a project with. But mostly they get rewarded for their endorsements by profit share. Creating a mutually beneficial relationship with fans will rocket fuel growth, popularity and value.

The opportunity to become a day one fan

NewFoundFandom is a community where athletes can leverage the interaction and relationships with their fans and brands, gauge the yield of their projects, and provide more long-term value to the brands they collaborate with.

By being part of a fandom community, fans get a share in the success of their favourite athlete and vote on how, when and with whom they do a project with. But mostly they get rewarded for their endorsements by profit share. Creating a mutually beneficial relationship with fans will rocket fuel growth, popularity and value.

Stronger collabs.

Sustainable success.

Increased engagement.

Better exposure.

Untapped audience.

For who?

For who?

  • Music

    Individuals and agencies


    From young talent to legends


    YouTube & TikTok stars


    Journalists and authors

More coming soon. Want to reach out?

More coming soon. Want to reach out?

